Early 1930's
First Calvary Baptist Church was organized under the leadership of Rev. Frank Sims of Chester, S.C., in the early 1930’s, the exact date is unknown. The small group of members and Pastor Sims left the Trinity Baptist Church on Crawford Road. The members began to hold services in each other’s homes. The first home services were held with Deacon and Mrs. James Thurman, Sr. at their residence on Pond Street and at the residence of Deacon and Mrs. George Young and Sister Marie Allen on Whitner Street.
In 1972, under the leadership of Rev. E.L. Price, the City informed us about the need to upgrade our church. The land that was occupied by the old church was not enough to rebuild on. Sister H.C. Hutchison, at the time had land for sale just behind our old sanctuary on 228 Lucky Lane. The deacons contacted Sister Hutchinson about the land. The trustees approached her, and she agreed to sell the land for a purchase price of $12,000.00 on September 9, 1976. The documentation is recorded as September 22, 1976. This was the same land where the first members had rented a house for church services years ago.
On January 11, 1976, the Rev. L.L. Hancock was elected pastor, along with deacons, trustee boards, and the congregation. The congregation came in agreement with Pastor Hancock for the design of a new sanctuary. The leadership chose Apple Tree Contractors to build a brick structure with dining hall, Pastor’s Study, kitchen and two bathrooms, all at the cost of $55,920.00. Under the leadership of Rev. L.L. Hancock, a loan was obtained from First Federal Bank. Then on September 11, 1977, we marched into our new church at 228 Lucky Lane to have our first services.
In September 1998 plans were made to build a new sanctuary and start a Senior Adult Day Care Center by utilizing the old church building. The first sketch by Jackson Architect of Atlanta, GA was presented to the church for approval in November 1998. The plans were approved and Benefits, USA Inc. were the consultants. The First Calvary Adult Day Care Center was established on December 31, 1999. Our new sanctuary was consulted by Benefits USA Inc. and Robin Jones. We received our 501c (3) on March 8, 1999.
In the year 2002, we moved into the third sanctuary which seats 650. In 2008 Pastor William H. Buie Jr. was appointed as the successor to Rev. L.L. Hancock. Under Pastor Buie's leadership we have acquired 3 adjacent lots to the church; upgraded the interior of both the adult daycare facility and the church, expanded the business of the adult daycare to include in home health care; established a partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank; and church membership has nearly doubled.
We are currently exploring opportunities to extend greater services to the community we serve.